One of the most ancient healing plants is Aloe Vera. It was used to treat skin diseases, burns, and colds. The plant has a strong healing effect. Based on aloe, many cosmetic formulas have been created that have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the hair. It is used as an indoor flower, if necessary, used as a “home doctor” for health.

Biological characteristic

In total, more than 500 types of aloe have been discovered, all of which are included in the list of medicinal herbs. Most of the plants are found in Africa, on the island of Madagascar, in South Africa and on the Arabian Peninsula. Then it was brought to Europe. The plant itself prefers the tropics and temperate climates. But there are varieties that can be grown at home.

Aloe may differ in stem height, leaf shape, and the presence of thorns. They can grow up to 5 m tall. The stems are erect, branched, short. The leaves are long, can reach a length of up to 40 cm. Hard teeth surround them along the edges. Aloe leaves are fleshy, with juicy healing pulp.

They bloom beautifully, forming hanging brushes of flowers. But the main value of the plant is precisely the leaves. Outside, they are covered with a protective peel, then comes a layer of bitter juice (latex), which protects animals from being eaten. This is followed by vegetable mucus and a jelly-like pulp.

They are often used for the preparation of various compositions. But aloe gel is obtained from the inner leaf part, it is transparent, with a greenish tint. And the juice (latex) is from under the skin, it is a yellowish liquid. Most often, real aloe and wood (agave) are grown and used at home.

Chemical composition and role for the body

Aloe contains more than 200 active ingredients, among which are the main vitamins, micro- and macro minerals, resins, esters. The plant has a lot of organic acids, polysaccharides, enzymes, phytoncides.

Due to this, aloe has a powerful tonic effect, strengthening the immune system, ensuring maximum absorption of nutrients. The plant contains 20 essential amino acids, and the largest amount of antioxidants and vitamins (A, B, E and C) is found in the gel.

Emodin and alonin provide aloe with analgesic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. The plant also contains hormones that speed up wound healing. Useful properties of aloe for the human body:

  • helps in the treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, rashes, ulcers);
  • enhances the production of bile and gastric juice;
  • disinfects wounds;
  • stops bleeding;
  • improves skin elasticity;
  • improves bowel function;
  • with the help of aloe, you can cope with constipation, it acts as a laxative;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients;
  • rejuvenates the skin, slows down the aging process;
  • prevents the development of cardiovascular disorders and pathologies;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • reduces the concentration of sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves muscles and joints;
  • intensively moisturizes the skin, eliminates irritation and redness;
  • successfully copes with fungal diseases;
  • reduces discomfort in irritable bowel syndrome;
  • treats psoriasis, osteoarthritis;
  • eliminates a feverish state;
  • helps to remove burning and itching, accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • fights against papillomas, reducing their number;
  • used to treat herpes.

Aloe pulp can be used to treat boils, eczema. She quickly removes “crow’s feet”, swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Benefits of Using Aloe

Aloe gel (pulp) can be taken internally, but it is spicy and therefore it is often mixed with honey. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the plant, used as an external remedy. Aloe perfectly disinfects, at the same time moisturizes for skin diseases, eliminates peeling, destroys pathogenic microorganisms and accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks.

What aloe gel helps with – quickly removes the fungus on the nails and legs, softens calluses and corns – they can be carefully removed. He draws pus from boils, cleans them. Aloe is recommended to be applied to the skin with solar, thermal and radioactive burns – it starts tissue regeneration and reduces the risk of scarring. If the gel is taken orally, it restores the mucous membranes, heals ulcers.

Latex is bitter, but very useful for consumption, the healing properties of aloe juice:

  1. It can be drunk as a laxative, it improves bowel function, helps the body develop antibodies against dangerous agents. When using aloe along with “Phenolphthalein”, it enhances the effect of a laxative drug.
  2. It contains enzymes that improve the functioning of the digestive system, stabilize acidity, maintain normal intestinal microflora, and eliminate flatulence. To do this, you need to drink 30 ml of juice daily.
  3. Helps maintain normal vision, neurological functions. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, protecting cells. This helps to keep youth longer, slows down the aging process of the body.
  4. Aloe helps to significantly lower blood sugar levels. To achieve a stable effect, it is recommended to eat 1 tbsp daily for 1.5 months. l. gel.
  5. To speed up weight loss, aloe pulp is recommended to be added to vegetable and fruit juices, supplemented with honey and lemon.

The gel and juice of aloe agave contain substances that destroy the infection, strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of colds and prevent the formation of cancer cells. They support the balance of hormonal levels, normalize the emotional state.

The valuable qualities of aloe were also appreciated in official medicine. On the basis of the plant, ready-made solutions and preparations for internal and external use are produced.

Preparations with aloeDescription of what aloe heals
Sabur (powder)Juice evaporated to a powder. Taken orally to improve the functioning of the stomach, enhance the secretion of bile, from constipation.
liquid extractReleased in ampoules for injections. Do subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. It is intended for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, eye pathologies, asthma, gynecological inflammatory diseases.
CapsulesThey contain a mixture of aloe extract, gelatin and glycerin. Used to treat diseases and imperfections of the skin, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue.
GelFor indoor and outdoor use. Strengthens the immune system, cleanses the bile ducts and liver of toxins. It is used for the treatment of psoriasis, as a prevention of urolithiasis.

Many cosmetic companies produce products containing 97-100% aloe to treat and prevent dermatological diseases and problems. To strengthen immunity, you can drink daily Black tea with aloe vera, rose petals and jasmine (black tea) , to which the pulp of the plant is added.

Use in traditional medicine

For home treatment, aloe is used in any form. Many grow a houseplant and, if necessary, simply cut the aloe leaf lengthwise, exposing the pulp, and apply it to wounds and burns.

You can use scraped pulp, squeezed juice, pass the leaves through a meat grinder, grinding them into gruel along with the skin. Freshly squeezed aloe juice is used for internal and external use. Alcohol tinctures on vodka and Cahors are prepared in advance.

To obtain freshly squeezed aloe juice, the lower mature leaves are crushed in a blender. The green mass is poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 3. Remove to infuse in a dark place for 3 hours. Strain through cheesecloth into a glass jar (stored in the refrigerator). The best recipes with aloe for treatment at home:

  1. Freshly squeezed aloe juice can be instilled into the nose from a cold. It is suitable for oral administration in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They can rinse your mouth and throat with sore throat, stomatitis, rinse your hair with it and use it to make cosmetic face masks.
  2. Aloe tincture on Cahors helps prevent colds, flu, SARS. Mix chopped agave leaves, honey and wine (1:2:1). Insist in a dark place for 3 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. l. per day during the season of colds and viral diseases.
  3. What is useful decoction of aloe – it helps with osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, skin lesions. Compresses and lotions are made from it. Crushed aloe leaves (100 g) are poured into 0.5 liters of water and left to languish for 15 minutes in a water bath. The decoction is used when it has cooled down, applying dressings soaked in it to sore spots. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, 3 tbsp. l. honey.
  4. The simplest and most popular recipe for restoring male strength is a mixture of aloe pulp with honey. They are taken in equal proportions, insisted in a cool place for 5 hours. Then they eat 1 tsp. per day, course – month. The mixture increases erection, is a good prevention of prostatitis.
  5. Aloe juice or lotion with its content is rubbed on sun-burned skin. This calms her down, relieves inflammation, redness, and accelerates the healing of burns.

The listed medicinal mixtures (juice, tincture, decoction, pulp with honey) can also be used to treat other diseases and skin problems.

Use in cosmetology

Aloe Vera has received wide recognition in the field of cosmetology. Its pulp and juice are included in many formulas. Based on the plant, homemade masks, creams, tonics and other cosmetics are prepared. Aloe brings great benefits not only for the skin, but also for the hair. Accelerates tissue regeneration, ideally copes with dermatological problems.

What can be done from aloeBenefit, application
Mix for cracked heelsMix 1 tbsp. l. honey and aloe juice, add 0.5 tbsp. l. olive oil. The ingredients are mixed, spread the mixture on gauze and applied to the heels. Wrap cling film on top, put on socks. The compress is done at night. After it, the heels are lubricated with a nourishing or oily cream.
Curd face maskMix honey, cottage cheese and aloe juice in equal proportions. Distribute the mask over the face, hold for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The mask nourishes, smoothes wrinkles and removes inflammation.
Whitening lotionIn equal parts, mix aloe latex and cucumber lotion, add 5 drops of lemon juice. Mix and rub the face with the product twice a day. The lotion is stored in the refrigerator, but it can only be used during the day. Therefore, you need to prepare the remedy based on the day.
Acne maskGrind 3 fresh agave leaves, Add raw egg white to them. Mix in a blender until a smooth puree is obtained and add 2 drops of lemon juice to it. The mask is applied in three layers, kept for half an hour, then washed off with warm water.
Rejuvenating maskMix one tablespoon of avocado pulp, gruel from agave leaves and olive oil. Apply to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and cold water, alternating them. The mask rejuvenates and tightens the skin, smoothes wrinkles.
Anti-inflammatory maskMix 1 tsp. blue clay and aloe vera juice. Spread evenly over the face, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Many ready-made cosmetic products based on aloe can be found and ordered online – deodorants, soaps, creams, toothpastes, lip balms, shampoos.

How to prepare

Aloe does not have to be harvested for future use. There are indoor varieties of the plant, from which you can cut the leaves if necessary. But you need to use them immediately, within 4 hours. After that, the beneficial properties of the plant weaken, the concentration of valuable substances decreases.

If you plan to prepare the workpiece for a long time, then watering the plant stops 2 weeks before the collection of raw materials. Then the most fleshy and largest leaves are cut, which are at least 15 cm long. Or break them off at the very base of the stem.

For two weeks without watering, more useful substances are concentrated in aloe and the healing properties are significantly enhanced. Freshly squeezed aloe juice is stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

You can pour the leaves with alcohol and remove to infuse in a dark place. Store the finished product in the refrigerator. Pour freshly squeezed juice into cosmetic ice molds. Store in the freezer.

Recommended dosages

The use of aloe can be harmful if used incorrectly or exceed the recommended dosage for consumption:

  • no more than 1 tsp. gel is added to a lotion or cream to protect the skin from infections and bacteria, to shampoo – to treat dandruff and seborrhea;
  • for burns, wounds, cracks, psoriasis, the damaged areas are lubricated 3 times a day with the pulp of the leaves or cosmetic gel, consisting of 97-100% of aloe;
  • to lower cholesterol daily (for two months) drink aloe extract 300 ml, 2 times a day;
  • you can quickly eliminate constipation if you eat 100-200 g of pulp per day;
  • for the treatment of gums, removal of plaque, add 1 tsp to the toothpaste. gel.

With inflammation of the intestines, you need to drink 2 times a day, 100 ml of gel daily. The course of treatment is a month. Instructions are always attached to official preparations.

Possible side effects

The use of aloe vera can be contraindicated and harmful. It is strictly forbidden to use gel or juice during pregnancy. Aloe can cause miscarriage, premature birth, or interfere with fetal development. It can not be used for uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, exacerbation of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Juice should not be consumed with diarrhea – it will only worsen the condition, acting as a laxative. It provokes abdominal cramps, reduces the therapeutic effect of certain drugs. The use of the gel can cause side effects:

  • violations of cardiac activity;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • muscle weakness;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine.

In diabetes mellitus, the gel should be used with caution – so that the glucose level does not drop sharply and does not fall below the minimum value. If a person injects insulin, aloe can cause hypoglycemia.

Aloe Vera is a unique and very useful plant that helps preserve beauty and youth. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of skin diseases, has strong antibacterial properties. Aloe is taken orally to strengthen immunity, this method also helps to cope with some pathologies of internal organs.