Features of a tummy tuck 

  1. Flat stomach and toned skin
  2. Reduction of pant size by up to 2-3 sizes
  3. Restoration of tissue functionality/Abdominal wall strength


Features of a Tummy Tuck at LA Vascular

Tummy tuck Slim stomach

Slim stomach

During the operation, we not only remove excess skin and fat deposits, but also eliminate the offset of the rectus abdominis muscles (Repair diastasis recti) using modern technology, which guarantees the absence of recurrence. If necessary, a mesh endoprosthesis is used. Within a month after the operation, the endoprosthesis grows into the surrounding connective tissue, and the result is an anatomically uniform appearance that reliably closes the defect of the anterior abdominal wall and protects the tissue from repeated stretching.


no scar after tummy tuckTummy Tuck Scar – Abdominal plastic surgery without incision

In some cases, our exclusive laser liposuction technique becomes a full-fledged replacement for abdominoplasty, and then there is no need to make incisions or to excise the skin. In the area of ​​the procedure, small punctures are made, no more than 2-3 mm in diameter. A fiber-optic probe is inserted through the puncture, which, using a directed low-intensity laser, destroys fatty deposits. The laser also improves collagen production, which significantly increases the elasticity of the skin, visibly tightening it.


Tummy tuck anesthesiaPainless and safe

The combination of local anesthesia and “sedation/anesthesia” guarantees absence of pain and an easy recovery after surgery. The patient’s condition during surgery is monitored using a monitoring system from Philips. 


invisible tummy tuck scarTummy Tuck Scar – Invisible seam

Removal of skin and adipose tissue is performed using a proprietary technique that allows us to shorten the length of the incision. When suturing, a microsurgical technique of layer-by-layer stitching of tissues with the use of high-resolution optical devices is used. To fix the tissues, special steri strips are additionally used to fix the edges of the wound.


Tummy Tuck Before and After



What is a tummy tuck

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is one of the main surgical procedures for tightening the abdominal wall. The operation is performed when there is excess skin in the abdomen and this procedure is generally not intended to reduce weight. Often sagging skin in the abdomen is the result of significant weight loss or prior pregnancies.

As a rule, exercise does not help because the problem is excess skin rather that fat deposits. This procedure allows you to correct the visible shape of the abdomen after pregnancies or after significant weight loss. Excess skin and some adipose tissue is removed and the abdominal muscles are strengthened. Often, a tummy tuck is performed in conjunction with liposuction. As a result, the waist becomes slimmer and the abdomen tighter.

What are the reasons for having a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is performed when the skin is sagging in the abdominal area. Such a problem can arise as a result of: severe weight loss or changes in the volume of the abdominal cavity, pregnancy and stretch marks, flabbiness of the abdominal muscles. The tummy tuck is suitable for both women and men.


Indications for Tummy Tuck

  • folds, skin and fat “apron”
  • excess skin and subcutaneous fat in the anterior abdominal wall;
  • pronounced stretch marks ;
  • divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles ;
  • noticeable postoperative scars in the abdomen.
  • the presence of postpartum stretch marks
  • excess skin in the supra-umbilical area
  • flabbiness and weakness of the abdominal muscles, lack of aesthetic waist contour
  • umbilical hernia formation

Contraindications for a tummy tuck

  • Diabetes mellitus uncontrolled
  • Pts not fit for surgery
  • Severe obesity
  • Disorder of blood clotting .


Tummy Tuck cost

The average cost of a tummy tuck all included in 2021 is $6,000 but there are some considerations that can affect the price.


How Much does a Tummy Tuck cost? (How much is a tummy tuck?)

Tummy Tuck category 1 of complexity – Mini Tummy Tuck with skin excision limited to below the umbilicus to the pubis

$ 3,000 to 6,000

Tummy Tuck category 2 of complexity – Mini tummy tuck with some complexity or simple full tummy tuck

Approximately $6,000

Tummy Tuck category 3 of complexity – Slightly more complex full abdominal tummy tuck

$6,000 – 8,000

Tummy tuck + elimination of diastasis and hernia repair

$8,000 – 10,000

The information on the page is not a public offer.

The final cost of the operation is calculated at the discretion of the proceduralist, based on the volume and complexity of the surgical intervention.

What is included in the cost of a tummy tuck?

There should never be any additional overpayments!  All of the following should be included in the cost of a tummy tuck.

1. Consultation with a Proceduralist

After a conversation and a full examination, the surgeon individually prescribes the type or technique of the operation, taking into account all the contraindications and special techniques needed for your tummy tuck.

2. Lab studies

You can get your routine labs tested prior to the procedure.  This usually includes a complete blood count, platelet count, Hemoglobin A1C, Chem 7, Creatnine, PT/INR and PTT.  These tests are included.  

3. Modern and safe anesthesia

Local anesthesia and moderate sedation or general anesthesia techniques, Performed by an anesthesiologist.

4. Compression underwear

After the operation, you will be provided with a set of compression garments.

5. Hospital stay and meals

A comfortable hospital bed and excellent level of service is included. After the operation, you will be under the supervision of specialists for the required amount of time.

6. Repeated consultations and dressings

All dressings and repeated visits to the surgeon during the year are absolutely free and included.


What kind of examination is carried out before a tummy tuck?

As a preparation for abdominal plastic surgery, the patient will undergo a physical exam. In addition, fat deposits and skin elasticity in the abdominal region are assessed. To create a plan for the operation, pictures of the abdomen are taken from the front and from the side. The patient is informed about the methods of the surgical procedure and the likely risks.

How is a tummy tuck performed?

Tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia and it can take several hours. In preparation for the operation, excess skin and adipose tissue is measured and commonly market. Depending on the degree of skin changes, various surgical methods are used. The cut is common to all methods. Two types of incisions are performed. A wave-like incision extending above the pubic hairline along the pelvic bone is made.  Subsequently a Circular incision around the navel is made. The navel is detached from the skin tissue. The skin between the abdominal incision and the ribs is separated from the abdominal wall, exposing the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles are reconnected and fixed. Loose skin is tightened and the excess skin is removed. The skin is sewn back and the navel is put back in place. At the end of the operation, a drain is positioned under the skin to allow blood and drainage from the wound to drain and heal property. The abdomen is bandaged. The dressing prevents fluid from accumulating in the cavity. The stitches are removed after eight to ten days. The bandage is generally removed in a month.


What is a Mini tummy tuck?

Mini-abdominoplasty is performed when there is no need for excision of a large excess of skin and there is no divergence/diastasis of the muscles of the abdominal wall. Such abdominal plastic surgery allows removing excessively stretched skin below the navel with minimal trauma and achieving an excellent aesthetic result.

Endoscopic mini-abdominoplasty is performed if there is no need for skin excision, but there is an offset of the rectus muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. A mini abdominoplasty of the abdomen is performed as follows – a small incision is made in the lower abdomen – about 5 centimeters long, the muscles are sutured using the endoscopic method.


Navel plastic surgery

This operation is performed in cases where the naval has lost its original position or shape. Navel plasty is often performed during abdominoplasty – due to excessive stretching of the skin, the navel drops to a low position, so it has to be surgically returned to its original place or in some cases an entirely new naval has to be formed. 


How long to recover from a tummy tuck?

There is usually a little pain and bleeding right after the procedure, but this will resolve within a few weeks. The swelling, however, can remain for up to three months. To minimize the risk of injury, patients are advised to refrain from sports in the first months after plastic surgery.

As with any surgical intervention, complications in the form of infections and impaired healing of wounds and scars are possible. Tummy tuck gives reliable results that can be additionally supported by light activity and a healthy diet. Reoperation is possible, but only after complete recovery.


What to expect after a tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty performed at LA Vascular allows you to:

  • Have no visible scars

The length and location of scars during abdominal plastic surgery vary depending on the abdominoplasty technique used, but they will always be reliably hidden with ordinary underwear. In addition, during abdominal plastic surgery, scars from previous operations can be removed at the same time.

  • Achieve significant improvement in the shape and size of the abdomen

Abdominoplasty of the abdomen allows you to remove numerous postpartum stretch marks, excess skin of the anterior abdominal wall (the so-called “apron”), return the navel to its original position, strengthen the muscular frame of the anterior abdominal wall and result in a flat, beautiful belly.

  • Avoid long-term rehabilitation

After abdominoplasty, you need to wear a bandage for a month, after a week or two you can start work, and after a month you can safely go on vacation. It is only important to protect the fresh scar after abdominal plastic surgery from direct sunlight.

How is recovery after tummy tuck?

The rehabilitation period is characterized by minor pain sensations, which are leveled by taking painkillers. At first, the skin on the abdomen will be slightly stretched, so you will have to sleep, walk and sit in a bent state. For two weeks, it is necessary to constantly wear compression underwear, and then it is recommended to wear it for some time in the daytime.


Is the navel transferable with abdominoplasty?

The doctors pay great attention to aesthetics. If the volume of surgical intervention on the anterior abdominal wall implies extensive excision of the skin and adipose tissue, and the transfer of the navel is required, The doctor moves the navel to its natural position after stretching the skin. Thus, the navel, as before, becomes the center of the abdomen, and the incision and seam are mainly at its base.


Will the scars be visible after abdominoplasty?

In an tummy tuck, an incision is made in the bikini area and is usually completely covered with underwear. We stitch the tissues layer by layer using high-resolution devices, and the incision is reduced thanks to our methodology of removing skin and adipose tissue. Fast healing of scars after abdominoplasty also depends on the patient. To make the seam completely invisible, you can use a silicone patch, as well as special creams and ointments that a plastic surgeon will recommend.


Can i give birth after abdominoplasty?

It is possible to plan a pregnancy and give birth after an abdominoplasty, but not earlier than one year after the operation. This period is necessary for the formation of a strong scar and complete healing of tissues.


When can I sunbathe/tan after an abdominoplasty?

Sunbathing is prohibited for three months. Tanning in a solarium or in the sun contributes to the pigmentation of postoperative scars.


When can I return to sports after an abdominoplasty?

You can return to sports no earlier than three months after the operation. Excessive physical activity in the first months, especially with heavy lifting, increases the likelihood of fluid accumulation, which slows down the recovery process.