PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Ultrasound guided thrombin injection of the groin pseudoaneurysm



ANESTHESIA: 1% lidocaine for local anesthesia

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: A time out was performed to verify patient identity, procedure, site, side, and level as applicable. After obtaining informed consent, the patient was prepped and draped in usual sterile manner in supine position. After applying local anesthesia, a 25 G needle was advanced into the pseudoaneurysm under ultrasound guidance. units of thrombin was injected into the pseudoaneurysm. Complete thrombosis of the pseudoaneurysm was achieved. The patient tolerated the procedure without any immediate complications. Completion ultrasound shows no further flow inside the pseudoaneurysm.

Successful thrombin injection of the groin pseudoaneurysm.

Follow up ultrasound in 1 week will be performed.